15 February 2010

Live Text

Live text is surely a complicated system, for me at least. Has anyone learned to master the software yet? I know, i know, this is just a taste of what challenges I'll face in being a teacher. I thought I was a literate with technology but have to admit that EDU 517 definitely has taught me I was wrong. It has made me realize I am not as updated as I thought I was. Good grief for Common Craft! This website definitely helps illiterates like myself. :)

Web Safety

The Web Safety topic in class was such an eye opener for me! I am still not working as a teacher but knowing how big the responsibility of a teacher in protecting the privacy and identity of a student really alarmed me. I knew we had to protect them but never thought of having to watch out for the safety of a child's personal identity. I too agree with Kathleen in using Web Questing when assigning students homework that requires them to use the Internet. This is only a step in keeping them safe of a crazy world out there. I see that there is more to watch out for, than just the creepy child-predators. I am sure once being a teacher, it will be interesting getting to wear many hats; for we get to be parents, friends, counselors, security officers, etc! :)

02 February 2010

Access to Technology ; issue in EDU or not

I have to admit, i used to think there was an issue but now I see in reality it's just a start to what will be the future and find it a necessary mean in schools. I just hope schools get enough funding to be able to keep up with the advanced technology.